Shotcut Video Editor! (2020) - (Free)


Shotcut is a free, open-source video editor and encoder that can handle a wide range of media formats. It has many user-friendly features; for example, it doesn't notify you of its frequent (almost daily) updates: You simply download an updated version of the program when you want to. It's compatible with JACK Audio and Melted Server technology, and it even offers an experimental GPU Processing feature. Shotcut can test MLT XML files, too. Several language options are available, and users can create and share new translations. The project's Web site also offers a forum, FAQs, and other resources. Recent updates include several filters and playlist thumbnails. We ran Shotcut in 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium SP1.

How to Use Shotcut Video Editor! (2020)
Published on May 12, 2020